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The HY-PRO Spin-On air filters

The specificity of HY-PRO BF air filters is that they filter air pollution when positioned outside the system.

Filtre à air BF d'HY-PRO
The specificity of HY-PRO BF air filters is that they filter air pollution when positioned outside the system. It also saves valuable space and prevents contaminants from entering the system.

They are equipped with gauges which indicate the maximum vacuum level caused by the rise and fall of fluid levels. You know exactly how your system works.

No adapter required.

Filtre à air Spin-on d'HY-PRO
The HY-PRO Spin-On air filters combine an easy installation with adaptability to prevent air pollution and extend the life of the other filters in your system.

Contamination by fluids is the cause of most hydraulic system failures, and although most systems now use oil filters, it is not uncommon that contamination by air is neglected.

By preventing the infiltration of contamination by air, the HY-PRO Spin-On air filters help reduce the stresses on system filters to extend the life of your fluids and protect components from critical risks.

With common threaded and bayonet type adapters and several support options, filters are quick way to replace inefficient filling plugs/breathers from the outlet of the unit.

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